... well im listening to some old music, old music that was destined to die but OH NOES!!! a miracle happened and i resurrected my old highschool music, things are pretty while u listen to music, the day is a little cold and i have my beloved sister on the messenger, well, thats the way to feel that the life is somewhat near to the perfection, i am so focused building my Miyazaki's anthology DvD, well, cool cool, and BTW i have a Girlfriend Sing in service to getan amazing boyfriend, who is it? Jude Law? Lol, no, its me! XD
The day before yesterday was a little sad, Tater, a beautyful Siryan Hamster, died for an infection caused by mice that slithered into my house =( damm they, but we killed them with shoes and brooms, i was with my sis all the time she was so sad, and I was too, ppl uses to get used to things in the nearness, does God with his unclouded eyes see us giving our love to the creatures livin in our world? How come that a human being can give all the love to a little ball of fur? I dont have an idea about that, but I did and I gave a lot of love to Tater, Exodia, Chiquilingas and Dominga, and u can even think how much goes to my dog Hussein, cranky old dog XD hehe. Well, the sad thing besides see my little pet die was to see a little piece of my sister's heart being hurt =( and i had to bury the poor litte Tater, i feel so sad, feels like buring a piece of my sister's heart, I love my family so much, but over all my siblings goes first, they are the biggest parts of my heart, I wont be able to live without them.
Well, lets keep living, hope my girlfriend aplication forms come fast, lol. =) any way the wind blows!!!
"there was a note posted in all the streets, was a WANTED poster, where the government was offering a high amount of money for the head of Exodia and Vitti, they were leading the milytary forces on the north, some ppl say that they have a huge bloodthirst some others say that they don't even have to use violence, anyway, Mariana as a bounty hunter was spotted leading her way to the north..."