22 október 2006
... months ...
Y en las noticias ya no hay nada de que hablar...
Porque en tu mundo...
Yo ya tengo mi lugar.
Te amo!!!
24 september 2006
Your Dating Purity Score: 42% |
You are an average dater. You're experienced enough to be a great girlfriend or boyfriend... Though you still may be figuring out exactly what you want in love! |
... Mariana is an awful writter, she could leanr something from her parents but, they werent there when a child discover the art of pasion ...
19 ágúst 2006
... in the city of the sands ...
"... sand ..."
06 ágúst 2006
... how could I know? ...
I'm not sad.
But still a tear.
Maybe for the one I love =).
This is the lyrics of a song that I just love, as I just love my dear Mazapan =)
... Agnes didn't knew that her girl was going to be so important, Agnes didn't knew ...
04 júní 2006
Parcialy Dead pineapples
Days Days and more days!!! thats the things I collect!! =) i got an incredible collection of days!
Ok time to sleep and give pleasure to my eyes and the dark parts of my brain =)
Sleep well all of u that u can!!
"... Mariana likes to take the axe and go and hit the dead trees near the lake, she just hates them, why? I don't have idea, but her face is absolutely scary when u see her smashing a dead tree to thorns ..."
23 apríl 2006
this time
..... love reach us always, and it does before we realize he reached us I love u Claudia!
... and with the last thunder, Mariana died ....
... and with the last thunder, Mariana died ....
17 mars 2006
finaly something for me
well, anyway, i feel good, at the last day on my life, well, im on a good mood, at the end of a day where I did a lot of things, no more school on this days, was sad to see my days gone, I lost 4 years on my life, but I won something, some friends in the soul, some friends in the heart, and I learned new dreams, I just wanna say THANK YOU to everyone who knows me and know all that i've been trough, was hard, really my mind is a freaking hell deep inside, but I have a lot of good reasons to keep smiling and I really wanna smile, so bad my huggable everytime girl is not even on existence, hope soon shows up, ne way, my way to say thanks, is to link the trailer of the movie that keeps my life going on!!!
"... Agnes is not the main character of this end of the story, remember Mariana, I love you, so so much and breaks my heart that maybe, i'll see you dead before the sun goes to sleep, but is not on our hands, hug me, kiss me and then is time, you are ready to finish this..."
"... Agnes is not the main character of this end of the story, remember Mariana, I love you, so so much and breaks my heart that maybe, i'll see you dead before the sun goes to sleep, but is not on our hands, hug me, kiss me and then is time, you are ready to finish this..."
28 febrúar 2006
Lovegood good good ....
I close this post for today, my brain gotta work on so many other things =) but i wanna keep this full of my words and my feelings, Dark times are coming!!!! so we need smiles to beat them =)
"... Cesar opened his gift, for his surprise, he got another book, one handwritten, the tittle was "Not cruel at the end" and had a signature rigth above the namet was Agnes's signature, -Agnes? but she never wrote a single page in her entire life- said Cesar surprized -I wonder where does this gift came from- but he wass all alone in the garden stand in front of the tree where the book was tied with a black ribbon and his name knitted all around the ribbon, he looked around, then he climbed the tree with the book on his mouth, found a place to lay down on the top of the tree, and began to read... "
24 janúar 2006
.... and here again i'm writting more pages to my story, i was quite far of this place to give my mind a place to rest, but i guess, i found again the best place to rest my mind and my heart, that place is the eyes lookin on this img, damm I got shocked, but well, again in my life and she is more than welcome, this is like the third season of this show, well, sequells just get better, and I bet, she found me, damm, i can't write this post anymore, my life goes drained just looking at those eyes, well, lets that 2 stars shine for us ma'am I'll do my best!!!
"... Mariana was snoring, was smiling, was seleeping, the time to harvest some sakuras has came, the next day was knocking at her room's door, she just had to wake up and enjoy."
07 janúar 2006
... mania mania mania ...
para para pap pap paa, cool sounds, if u find this disk on the music store u gotta buy it, or maybe ask for it on our beloved friend: Soulseek. lol.
More days happening, more things to mind puttin to work on my paperworks, life goes ahead and semms that the year is coming with a lot of hard stuff to get, oh well, I invite all others who wanna join the pwning the year party, that this is the day to start , tonite us the day 7, as the lucky striker day. =) smiles and lollypop everywhere. oh yeah!!!
And the old man was yelling on the streed "OLD METAL TO SELL!!" well, there was no old man, was just my imagination, missin parts of my last live, and sometimes hating the old parts that are still here in my new one, well, maybe walking on the valley with my beloved sealark would be great, maybe a medicine to cure diseasses, that medicine is called Kissoline, hehe, well, i gotta job to do i gotta end the nite with a hard work rapage.
Peace to the old people that spend the last day of their lives gathering cherries on the green fields next to the snowy mountain, and sweet dreams to all the people around spinin on circles with bat wings and crocodile eyes.
"... Tater was playing the armonica outside the local security cabin, was playing so beautiful, so smooth and so loud that no one could hear the screams goin inside the cabin, Mariana was so angry and had 20 mins to clean the security depertment of the local water facility to let Krya and the other "sea irises" get inside the tubes and set the bomb that will end with the city, a bittersweet scent of death and peace felt that nigth, the nigth that the young man with the harmonica gave his most cruel concert..."
05 janúar 2006
... old music, not so old but old for the fast speed we grow ...

... well im listening to some old music, old music that was destined to die but OH NOES!!! a miracle happened and i resurrected my old highschool music, things are pretty while u listen to music, the day is a little cold and i have my beloved sister on the messenger, well, thats the way to feel that the life is somewhat near to the perfection, i am so focused building my Miyazaki's anthology DvD, well, cool cool, and BTW i have a Girlfriend Sing in service to getan amazing boyfriend, who is it? Jude Law? Lol, no, its me! XD
The day before yesterday was a little sad, Tater, a beautyful Siryan Hamster, died for an infection caused by mice that slithered into my house =( damm they, but we killed them with shoes and brooms, i was with my sis all the time she was so sad, and I was too, ppl uses to get used to things in the nearness, does God with his unclouded eyes see us giving our love to the creatures livin in our world? How come that a human being can give all the love to a little ball of fur? I dont have an idea about that, but I did and I gave a lot of love to Tater, Exodia, Chiquilingas and Dominga, and u can even think how much goes to my dog Hussein, cranky old dog XD hehe. Well, the sad thing besides see my little pet die was to see a little piece of my sister's heart being hurt =( and i had to bury the poor litte Tater, i feel so sad, feels like buring a piece of my sister's heart, I love my family so much, but over all my siblings goes first, they are the biggest parts of my heart, I wont be able to live without them.
Well, lets keep living, hope my girlfriend aplication forms come fast, lol. =) any way the wind blows!!!
"there was a note posted in all the streets, was a WANTED poster, where the government was offering a high amount of money for the head of Exodia and Vitti, they were leading the milytary forces on the north, some ppl say that they have a huge bloodthirst some others say that they don't even have to use violence, anyway, Mariana as a bounty hunter was spotted leading her way to the north..."
04 janúar 2006
Some days u that u never think that will happend ...

asdf oh well, ahother day, i found this comic strip quite funny, we should be lovin ourselves, but i guess being ur own friend is a nice and sweet thing, so i guess ill be my own frind too. =)
"his name was Tater, and he has been waiting a long time at Mariana's room door, he is like a bodyguard for now, but for sure he has other plans in mind"
02 janúar 2006
saying hi from the meaning of life

<--- This way i feel lookinh at the window full of emptyness, just as my heart.
From the studio kkwate, the place to come and dream and post in the blog, things are strange, and all i see is strange, new and well, we walking forward nonstop.
This time is time to build a T.V. Show, goddamit is quite long to write.
"-Hey Mariana, how come u are the daugther of Agnes and no one of us have realized that?- Mariana was still quiet, and totaly lack of the will of saying something she was cutting fruit on tinny little cubes, she was making a very big bowl of cubes of fruit, finaly Mariana opened her mouth and said -The cherries are terrific!- She took the cherries and spread them all over the fruit, took a small crystal glass and served a portion to herself, then she walked to the window to eat lookin at the sea ships "
01 janúar 2006
on January 1st
Things becoming new, maybe ill se myself throwing my contactlist to the fire, breakin my bones and putting my skin on acid to see what comes new after me, but still being me, that would be a miracle, that would be the life itself i junst be looking forward to discover.
So 2006 u better gimme something good, or I will byte each one of your numbers and kill each one of your days with fire on their eyes.
Just being optimystic, just hoping the best in this year!
..... and Mariana took 2 days, 2 days sharpening her knife anf thinking how many things she can do with it, after 2 days she realized that she can be 2 days thinking so many different things, and 2 lives doing everithing she had in mind, so, she put the knife on the table, next to the cherry cake, walked upstair, opened her window , took of her clothes and went to sleep in her beloved bed.
So 2006 u better gimme something good, or I will byte each one of your numbers and kill each one of your days with fire on their eyes.
Just being optimystic, just hoping the best in this year!
..... and Mariana took 2 days, 2 days sharpening her knife anf thinking how many things she can do with it, after 2 days she realized that she can be 2 days thinking so many different things, and 2 lives doing everithing she had in mind, so, she put the knife on the table, next to the cherry cake, walked upstair, opened her window , took of her clothes and went to sleep in her beloved bed.
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