Days and thnggies all over the goddam world .... but thinggies tha make me go around and smile and even dream.. well, i guess if dreams are still possible, everything else is possible, some day my friend that was trapped inside a book, name was Klaus told me... "There's always something" and i hope that something is there =) I don't have too much to tell but i fell good that there is a place to say those thinggies, this month of my life has been full of miracles, one and another all the way on the flow of my days =O, i'll start working on a new project, called LCD by the moment, =) but it has nothing to do with drugs is just a random name that will become powerful enough to put things back on my life again and it will be just great as the eyes of a cute girl =), btw, my pic, well, meet Evanna Lynch, the live action Luna Lovegood... err. wait, i hear a noise.... what is that... oh my god, the noise! is my heart pumping =) wow!!! <3
I close this post for today, my brain gotta work on so many other things =) but i wanna keep this full of my words and my feelings, Dark times are coming!!!! so we need smiles to beat them =)
"... Cesar opened his gift, for his surprise, he got another book, one handwritten, the tittle was "Not cruel at the end" and had a signature rigth above the namet was Agnes's signature, -Agnes? but she never wrote a single page in her entire life- said Cesar surprized -I wonder where does this gift came from- but he wass all alone in the garden stand in front of the tree where the book was tied with a black ribbon and his name knitted all around the ribbon, he looked around, then he climbed the tree with the book on his mouth, found a place to lay down on the top of the tree, and began to read... "
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We live in nothing more than darkness, however, there are small spots of light that makes life worth living. It depends on us to stay in that spots as long as we can...
Cuidate Volooo!!
Ahora mi espacio es el space del MSN,, ahi dale una vicenteada... ahh y aprovecho para pedirte permiso de poner un link en mi espacio hacia el tuyo...
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